
Video technology for modern broadcast productions

In the era of multi-platform media, 24/7 content cycles, and cord-cutting consumers, old-fashioned production practices and linear workflows that originated during the golden age of television simply don’t cut it anymore. You need the technology to be seen when and where your viewers watch today, and the innovation to continue to capture and hold their attention tomorrow. Realize your vision. Think outside of the box, moving beyond the boundaries of conventional production hardware to grow, evolve, and expand your coverage—then replicate it across facilities and locations. Build a better workflow. Leverage comprehensive integration, extensive device compatibility, and your existing network infrastructure to increase connectivity, efficiency, and productivity throughout your pipeline. Conserve space and cut costs. Reduce your production footprint in studio, on the move, or on location with IP-based, turnkey solutions that eliminate the need for racks of expensive gear and spools of cabling. Produce more programming. Gain the freedom and flexibility to try new ideas, monetize more streams of content, and reach every audience from TV, to OTT, to online, mobile, and on-demand.

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